Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Slipcovers and Fellowship

Who doesn’t love good looking, cheap, and usable craft projects? I love the result of my hard work and the opportunity to make something to be proud of myself for. Recently, a cousin of mine sent me a link to a blog I fell in love with. What grabbed my attention the most was a post she wrote on “How to Make a Slip Cover for a Sectional”. http://www.thenester.com/2010/05/how-to-make-a-slipcover-for-a-sectional.html

Basically, she called over ten good girlfriends that owned sewing machines and they got to work. The astonishing factor to me wasn’t that they finished a slipcover for a big couch in one day. What stunned me was that she had ten girlfriends with sewing machines. Not only that, but she had ten girlfriends! She has ten girlfriends that are willing to let her turn them into factory workers. Wow.

While I don’t have any intentions of making girlfriends so that they can help recover my couch (though I could use the help) I would like to know ten girls willing to get crafty with me. So I have challenged myself to a “Girls Night Craft Extravaganza”. I plan to turn my married and single lady friends into Martha Stuart wannabes.

What would you do to get this started? Craft ideas? Food ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Marcy! This makes me happy. Please go over if you have time and check out my blog :)


    Are you guys in Lynchburg? Cannot wait to see more on your blog!
